Monday, September 20, 2004


i just need to say that i can't wait for stitch n bitch nation to come out. it's the book that started it all for me and i just know that its sequel is going to be great.

tomorrow i have pics of the almost completed hermione cable and bobble hat. the weekend was tiring, as i was running around trying to surprise my friend for her birthday. sunday was spent building shelves and hanging stuff for the new place, and we still have tons to do. however, we did manage to see both wimbledon and ass captain (aka sky captain) and both were highly enjoyable. wimbledon is quite a cheesy romantic comedy but it's great to watch paul bettany in a starring role. the way they shot the tennis was cool, too. and ass captain was phenomenal from a technical viewpoint, as the cgi sets looked very good. i liked the whole look of the movie and the story was pretty good. it has excellent pacing. very different and cool.

well this post doesn't have much knitting content but more tomorrow. i am going to watch my friend play some softball tonight. so wish her team luck!

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i love comments almost as much as i love pie.

Monday, September 20, 2004


i just need to say that i can't wait for stitch n bitch nation to come out. it's the book that started it all for me and i just know that its sequel is going to be great.

tomorrow i have pics of the almost completed hermione cable and bobble hat. the weekend was tiring, as i was running around trying to surprise my friend for her birthday. sunday was spent building shelves and hanging stuff for the new place, and we still have tons to do. however, we did manage to see both wimbledon and ass captain (aka sky captain) and both were highly enjoyable. wimbledon is quite a cheesy romantic comedy but it's great to watch paul bettany in a starring role. the way they shot the tennis was cool, too. and ass captain was phenomenal from a technical viewpoint, as the cgi sets looked very good. i liked the whole look of the movie and the story was pretty good. it has excellent pacing. very different and cool.

well this post doesn't have much knitting content but more tomorrow. i am going to watch my friend play some softball tonight. so wish her team luck!

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i love comments almost as much as i love pie.